I am so inspired by the community of artists blogging and want to add my own comment with a mailart piece.
It was because of
Lisa at onpainting that I thought this mailart would fit in with the current discussion on women in the arts.
The text for this piece:
Ironing with Ray
Here are some symbols for you to ponder in a way that will stimulate emotional filtration.
The joy of ironing provides a moment to consider the ironies of life.
Irony being: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. We see this in calling war, peace, etc..
So, I was ironing with
Ray the other day thinking about the pressing issues that face us all in this new century, remembering how far women have
not got...I'm still ironing.
Waiting for God to show..Loving the few moments I have for art, the smell of clean laundry and the fresh ink from my press.
Press...Pressure to keep up~cold press~hot press~Permanent Press~~Never needs ironing--but enjoying the irony, especially sardonic irony from political comedians.
Then I thought about~~~missing you~~and~~~I became upside down and a sad iron~
So, I feel like Mrs. Pott's~~old, wondering if I can finish all my work and keep in touch with you.
I'll ask then.....Is she also thinking about painting or pressing...
Press: Ettan Press Co.~~What are your pressing issues???
Trying to iron out the wrinkles becomes a sculpture, an abstract that seems, or is like the perfect
French seam, an elegant line like a woman's breast or
delicate line like the rolled-like hem that is the butterfly's body beneath its winged fabric.
Let us seek the gathering of spiritual, artistic and optimistic community, not in the pocket of the cruel, not merely basted in, but toward a clean finish that always supports directional stitching.
©2008 Melinda S. Esparza