From my point of reference today, a thought: When looking toward the future and what it may bring, try, try, try to remember how much you've survived, how much you've overcome, and how strong and confident it has made you. Let the year that has been, and your dreams for the next year, be filled with child-like joy and anticipation--while not losing any of your hard earned wisdom! The best of both worlds, yes?
The sky is gray now, cloudy and cool. It's wonderful for sun bleached eyes needing a shady day. It feels like sunset at 4 PM. Lovely. It feels like a year ending.
Here is another segment of the Grand Canyon painting from my work this afternoon. This is about 2 1/2' x 1 1/2' in the upper right quadrant. I can't tell you how therapeutic it is to paint this. But, I'll guess that as you ponder nature with all of its specific beauty (in your region and mine), you are often delighted when given the chance to wander or gaze unmolested by the trappings of cities and culture. Ah.
Best wishes for a better new year wherever you are, whatever your circumstance. I don't make resolutions, but I do hope to continue to paint often. You, dear fellow artist bloggers, keep me sane, disciplined and optimistic!