When you are sad, paint.
When you are happy, paint.
When you need a calm and quiet place, paint.
When you are sick, draw.
Do these things even when you are somewhere in between. If you're not an artist, buy art and meditate on why it is so utterly healing for the moment of your gaze.
And, when the storm passes, smile that there is another day.
I'm sensing that we are all storm watchers, sky watchers, observers of the times and environment. It's just primal, isn't it? Things are still very, very tough here in Arizona (but, do you really have any idea?), and I imagine they are tough all over. Reminds me of an old poem, Dover Beach, by Matthew Arnold. But, being a bit quirky, my mind always goes next to Anthony Hecht's version and I laugh every time I read it.
Only one storm has passed, but there are others on the line. I'll try to paint them and you do the same because things are bad all over for someone.
This oil painting is: After the Storm (8" x 8," on artists' board).
Painting Mirrors the Hopeful Heart While the World Climbs into a Basket--Melinda 2010