Ease of Night Light
O Luna, nightlight for the worried insomniac,
Your golden shape floating like a banana boat gliding across
The darkened sea above.
Why do you sneak out so late?
To whisper lovely, impossible secrets in the ear of the weary?
To soothe a restless heart with a thousand questions?
I think I hear one of your poems in a language of color
And mist--
The values, a softened gray, layering the plane.
My head is bowed, but my eyes swim in your neon glow. '
Waking is the dream," you speak,'
'Fall up into my orbit and let go.'
'And I, decorated for travel, will melt unruly monsters, like a dollop of honey
on a warm, indigo plate.' Poem © 2010 Melinda S. Esparza
Image © 2010 Melinda S. Esparza
In a way, this 8" x 8," oil on artists' board painting, reminds me of some of the recent night skies.
This monotype is one that I worked on a year ago, but never uploaded here. I thought those of you who've been following my blog would want to see something new as I go through the works for the Tucson Artists' Open Studios Tour. Is she a nighthawk?
Image © 2010 Melinda S. Esparza
Now, for a bit of shameless self-promotion: One of my favorites! The painting that made it into the Tucson Museum of Art's Arizona Biennial '09
Sabino Hill on a Snowy Day
Image © 2010 Melinda S. Esparza
Wrangling the warm clothing this week. More soon. Have a great week!