Ghost Ranch Cliff 8" x 8," on oil panel--Image © 2011 Melinda S. Esparza
I don't know about you...Wait. I think I do know about you. If you're an artist reading this (or not), I'll bet you have ANTs too.
Okay, let me explain. I had a few days of not painting recently, and I watched some PBS programing on the brain, again. This time,
Dr. Amen talked about how all of us have Automatic Negative Thoughts, yeah,
ANTs that are just a part of regular brain function. We can kill these ANTs by redirecting our thoughts, and we don't have to let them eat up our days. I really like that we have the power to change the way we think.
It's rather unusual to be able to swim at the end of September, even in this hot Arizona desert. But, with a pool cover, one can eek out a moment of water meditation before it is just too cold. Water therapy is great for fighting ANTs.
Last swim of the summer Image © 2011 Melinda S. Esparza
Ah. Getting back into the studio and painting does this for me, now doesn't it for you, too?! So, here is a painting that completely led me away from self deprecating thinking after an evening soaking in the pool.
Amen to that. Thanks, doctor.