This was becoming fun--making marks, experimenting in a really safe place. A few months went by. I bought some Caran d'Ache from a dear artist who later became a friend. Imaginary landscapes, real from photo or whatever came to mind, also surfaced. Caran d'Ache water soluble crayons are a fantastic way to feel painterly in a small or restricted space. Now I carry them in my bag with a few Q-tips. One can use the crayons with or without water, but when a Q-tip dipped in a small amount of water is used, the work becomes a small oil painting. Moistening the Q-tip with one's own saliva is not recommended...think Van Gogh. Oh, okay, be a little wild sometimes. © Melinda S. Esparza
I found the following from poet, Robert Creeley, 1967:
"I Keep to Myself Such Measures..."
I keep to myself such
measures as I care for,
daily the rocks
accumulate position.
There is nothing
but what thinking makes
it less tangible. The mind,
fast as it goes, loses
pace, puts in place of it
like rocks simple markers,
for a way only to
hopefully come back to
where it cannot. All
forgets. My mind sinks.
I hold in both hands such weight
it is my only description.
Several landscapes followed. And so did the rain! Reminds me of the song by Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Rain, Rain, Beautiful Rain.