Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Famous Women Artists: They are Everywhere!
A few years ago I had the privilege of visiting the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Everyone knows Georgia O'Keeffe.
The architecture of the building was particularly impressive. Some of Ms. O'Keeffe's works were quite good. Thing is, I realized that a lot of her work was so innovative in approach that the more naive works added to her oeuvre rather than detracted from it.
So, today I painted one of my very own daturas from a photo I took last year while they were in bloom. Melinda Esparza: Datura in the Night of Yearning-Lost to the Darkness Swallowing up and Crunching Down Upon My Dream of You. Oil on panel. 8" x 8." I think I'll have to update this photo in the daylight to get a better photo of it.
What if...you are as good as the women artists listed below? What if, from now on, you lived your life with such conviction of this that your level of discipline and your audience reflected the knowledge you hold within your own hands?
Let's have a roll call, shall we?
Grace Hartigan
Deb Schmit
Peggi Nicol
Linny D. Vine
Donna Schuster
Yoko Ono
Euphemia Charlton Fortune
Jean De Muzio
Marion Wachtel
Jane Freilicher
Bonnie Luria
Joan Mitchell
Jeane Myers
Women artists of the 20th century in a bunch, Art Cyclopedia.
Louise Bourgeois
Karen Phipps
Eva Hesse
Marcia LaBelle
Frida Kahlo
Barbara Muir
There. Let this be a codification of who is who and how the world really does work. We move in and out of each others' lives, woven into the history that we are writing with our colors and words.
This gives me joy. I look at the list of famous artists and I see a group of dedicated, scary smart women, who, out of gracious mercy choose not to join together in any geographical location wishing to avoid a cataclysmic event that may cause disruption in the Force--the Artistic Force, which may cause weather events with colors and light never seen before. We wouldn't want to frighten the citizenry.
See yourself recognized and appreciated. See yourself and your work loved and supported.
That's a good life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Artist Melinda: Off into the Weeds, Back with Saddle Burrs
Update: I finally fixed this painting and might even like it!
Yes, it's true. The open studio tour left me dazed and confused. I spent several days staring at mud, a few days asking what kind of weed is a actually a weed, and where are the hidden treasures in all of the brush. I came back with some stickery but healing aloe, something shiny I still can't figure out, and two paintings. Wished I'd had a saddle.
Here's the thing, the stickery thing. If women artists are the most prevalent artists in any generation since 1850 (okay, kinda guessing on the year, but I'm close), why aren't we studying them more, quoting them more, experimenting more with their processes? Even male artists are quoting and emulating male artists of the 1800s instead of artists more recent than that. And, the ones who are mentioned most often shouldn't necessarily hog all of the notoriety. Even if one wanted to stick with the 1800s, there are: Julia Margaret Cameron, Elizabeth Adela Armstrong Forbes, Lilla Cabot Perry, Suzanne Valadon and Berthe Morisot. These artists are worthy of more looking! Then, there is the 20th century, and, oh yes, the last decade of the 21st century. You'd think we didn't have access to more sources. That's the bur. Well, at least one of them.
Grace Hartigan's, The Persian Jacket, 1952.
Grace Hartigan (included in the New York School of Abstract Expressionists): "Well, what we get down to finally is the ultimate point. What in the world is the reason for painting? Life is complete in itself. What can the painter add to it aside from presenting formal problems of my trade--space, projection, surface, contour and all those things. Rather, I think art comes out of an inability to understand the life that you are living and the hopeful desire that out of the chaos that is given to you, you try for a brief period of time to make some sense and order."
Couldn't have said it better.
One of the paintings I've sold recently is quite abstracted. This got me to thinking how right it felt to paint that way--and that someone responded positively to it. Here are two more experiments. The first is a landscape in which paint is for paint and image is a close second (oil on panel 5" x 7").
The second one might be a bit of channeling Grace as I think about our better angels of art or more graces (oil on artist's board, 12" x 12").
I'm gonna keep asking you, kindly and with gentle prodding (sans burrs), to seek out women artists, support them, talk about them, examine their process and dig a bit into the weeds once in awhile. And, those guys? Gotta love 'em. Gotta make 'em share the canvas...

19th century art,
Grace Hartigan,
pulling out burs,
women artists
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tucson Artist's Open Studio---Lovely Spring Day

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tucson Artists' Open Studios Tour--Let the Visits Begin

Friday, March 5, 2010
Tucson Artists' Open Studios Tour
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