Sometimes a mirage helps us break the "thousand mile stare" (or attitude) and offers a landscape of ideas and possibilities. And, sometimes, it just freezes us in our tracks. That's where I am right now.
Makes me think of nights of full moons with wispy clouds and twinkling stars. Or, I think of those stunning nights when the moon is just a sliver of light--offering us hope and beauty.
"When the moon
of a hundred equal faces
comes out,
the silver coins
weep in the pocket." --from
Federico García Lorca's The Moon Rises (Translation--Diana Guillermo)
Struggling with words, struggling with paint, struggling with the guitar...Must mean a breakthrough is coming.
This is a re-worked painting that had been bothering me for quite sometime. I posted this
last year and felt that the first version was the one I wished I'd kept.
Anyway, here is another experiment, oil on 9" x 12," on artists' board. A mirage, I suppose, like the landscape of a night full of moon, buildings of dark clouds racing to crumble overhead, spilling their contents, while twinkling lights fade out.