Ghost Ranch Mesa (oil on canvas 30" x 30" © Melinda Esparza) |
2012 Fall Open Studio Tour is only a few days away. And, the preview exhibit of artists' works is currently up at the
Jewish Community Center until this Thursday evening's reception from 5:30 pm 'til 7:30 pm.
I noticed that there is an article in the
Zocalo magazine on the open studio tour. It's nicely written and I even got a blurb in it. I thought C. J. Shane did a good job writing about the event.
We Tucsonans get so excited when the weather cools to a balmy 90 degrees. We just want to dance! Here are
The Missing Parts playing at a farmers market while a cutie-pie leads them.
Some of my favorite paintings are available for this open studio event. Some are no longer up--sold, or gone to the woodshed.
Here are a few that haven't been seen for awhile:
Little Mighty Vole Hunts Prickly Pear (oil on panel © Melinda Esparza) |
Windy Point, And I Do Have One (oil on artists' board © Melinda Esparza) |
Winter Dark (oil on artists' board © Melinda Esparza)
I do hope you'll stop by and share the day with me. I might even pull out some paints and smear them on something. How 'bout that?
Wishing you all a very safe week ahead. My thoughts, along with yours, toward a speedy recovery for all those struggling with weather back East.
I love your work. I always come back from Tucson brimming with ideas. The desert is so inspiring.
Well just loved the 'Missing Parts' - what a great name. And flipped when you pointed out the maestro. Tooo cute! How I would love to be at this studio tour. One day Melinda I'll see you in person and your luscious work. Take care and good luck with your presidential election tonight.
Sherrill Pearson, Montreal
Hi Roberta,
Thank you for your kind comment. The desert is very inspirational. I'm sure it will call your name again to come visit. When you do, stop on by!
Hello Sherrill,
I love it when The Missing Parts perform at the farmer's market. I've even bought one of their CDs. Very talented musicians! And, they should take the little one on tour, don't you think?!
I would love to welcome you to the desert and my studio! I'll be here.
Thank you, too, for the good wishes on the election. I've been nervous, but hopeful. The world is watching and I'm counting on our President's reelection. It's just difficult waiting.
But, we have art to sustain us always.
Fabulous work and love the baby dancing. Funny! Weather cool at 90 degrees.
Awesome. Wish I could be there. I will be without computer access in Ottawa. Otherwise I'd try to see you painting.
Ha! Barbara, I thought you'd get a kick outta that temperature. But really, it is quite pleasant in the shade because there's a cool breeze and low humidity (7%)
Oh how we would have some fun if you could be here. Someday!
Have a great time celebrating in Ottawa. I'll be with you in one of those puffy clouds.
Warm hugs...xo
Love the comment of the woodshed!
Wishing you the best that an open studio event can be.
Hello Micros,
Yeah. The woodshed. As Fritz Scholder used to say, "Some paintings defy me." But, we can fix that.
Thank you. Wish you could stop by and visit. I'm sure we'd have lots to talk about.
Coming up for air, and here I see your luscious work. I love the abstract qualities of these pieces (including the one Diego the Dog wasn't sure about). The word "abstract" hardly does them justice though, because it implies some distance from reality. Instead, they seem much closer to the truth for me.
Have a great weekend, and "break a leg" as they say in the theater!
Thank you so much, Donald!
I'm grateful for all of the good work you did where you are. It paid off. It's a good week to celebrate, isn't it?
I really appreciate your thoughtful words. Made my day.
Wish you could be here.
Yes, will "break a leg!"
These are all GREAT paintings, your studio will be the hit of the tour!! (I'll be there in happy thoughts and spirit.)
Wishing you red dots galore!!
Thank you, dear Linny. I'm hopeful.
I was looking for you today, you know, wishing that you'd made it to Tubac this year. Maybe next time, yes?
Warm wishes from here!
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