..........So, where were we? Oh, yes. First, let me say--
THANK YOU--for your encouraging and supportive comments. It is really awful to think that artists are not being well served and that the art world is suffering because of ineptness or inappropriate business attitudes. I believe there are many good galleries who love artists and their work out there. We just need to find them!
After the experience, I cogitated about the new painting and how natural if felt. A week later, I couldn't sleep. At 2 AM I gave up and decided to work on a painting whose ground I had set down when making a short video for the
Life in a Day project.
Painting completely automatically until 4:30 AM, without reference, without anything but a total immersion into right brain, free form expression, these creatures showed up. It was like an overnight, drive by visitation.
Totally a-Musing.

Close up of right side shaman:

Close up of hands:

This painting is 36" x 36," oil on canvas. Maybe we artists should host more open studios and be our own representatives.