Pondering this year (its challenges and gifts) and thinking about the coming one, my wish for you is good health, loving friends, loving family, good jobs, great studio time, and paint, paint, paint.
I don't have work to share this week, but I do have some words and a photo--the view from my studio.
This is my prayer for all of you, no matter your faith: Blessings to all of you. May you hear the best voice within you, the wise voice, the Loving voice. And, let's keep going, toward wholeness, peace, and purpose.
Right now, I'm Waiting for My Child to Come Home

Rain calms me
Providing a boundary for my thoughts like the edges of a canvas
Reining in too much of everything.
I linger to read.
I eat breakfast slowly,
Gazing over the beautiful dozing dog flesh before me
and out
to the little streams forming,
pelted gently and rhythmically crossing the yard.
There seems to be more time in a rainy day, more hours.
Kiss, kiss, Rain, on desert mouths moistened with a promise.
Hug, hug, Ground, embracing tones of gray and silver and
cool blue light on mirrored mud.
© 2011 Melinda S. Esparza