Sometimes I play reader's roulette. It's a term I made up years ago and still use it every once in awhile. This time I practiced this technique with The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron:
I flipped through the pages and suddenly stopped at:
"Many of us have made a virtue of deprivation...We have used it to feed a false sense of spirituality grounded in being good, meaning superior. I call this seductive, faux spirituality, the Virtue Trap...We strive to be good, to be nice, to be helpful, to be unselfish."
She then goes on to write something I'd like to pass along to all of you, if you're struggling with your paints, or struggling with your priorities:
"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." --page 98, 99.
Paint. Explore. Give yourself permission to be you without apology!
I'll be cheering from here.
Off in the margin was this great quote (my response--Puh!):
"Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good-tempered, well-groomed, and unaggressive." --Leslie M. McIntyre
Gorgeous piece Melinda! What a terrific medium for you. Absolutely luscious.
Soft shadows? 3rd dimension? Liquidity? Translucence? You're blowing my mind!
Hi Nancy,
Thank you! I still feel awkward and like I have a lot of experimenting to do, but you can see that it is doable. Do you think you'd be interested in trying it?
So glad you stopped by. Hope all is well with you and yours!
This is spectacular. I love the translucent dimensionality of the surface.
I like the Julia Cameron quotes, but just had to laugh at the final one from Leslie McIntyre -- and especially your response!
there is a reason 'encaustic' is so popular and you've shown exactly why - this is just gorgeous! you've kept Melinda, but used this medium to soar a bit, love it xo
These are fantastic, Melinda. I'm thrilled for you!!
Thank you, Donald. Yes, that last quote says it all, doesn't it?
I'm really glad you like this piece. It's very interesting to work with the materials. One must be vigilant not to point the heat gun at anyone! It seems to be more physically demanding than painting.
I should have written 'PUH' in bold.
Oh, Jeane, I really appreciate your comment on this. It is yummy stuff, encaustic, and it is so challenging learning to use the materials. The whole image can get away from you in no time.
Thank you very much!
Thank you, dear Linny! I'm glad you like this piece. It has been fun to experiment, but I do have a long way to go.
Hope you are having a great summer. I know your work suggests that you are!
Love the encaustic and quote from Julia Cameron. Right on! I am messing with watercolour now because I can on the road. It is all possible. Artists start your engines and Let's play!
It's time to take the serious out of serious art. Love your work Melinda. It's both seriously wonderful, and lushly playful, plus loving. What else could we ask for?
It is perfection like its creator --you.
Aw-shucks, Barbara, you're too kind. I'm really glad that you like the encaustic. Wish you could have a play date and try these things out with me. I'm not sure you'd like them, but the result can be very intriguing.
Watercolour? ON THE ROAD?!! Wow. Now, you are amazing. I'll bet, too, that you are very, very happy to be out and about. I hope you have a grand time and will blog about it all.
Okay. I guess you mean that you stop before you paint...
Thank you so much for your generous comment.
Virtual hugs to you and yours!
Melinda, I could never imagine you ever being anyone but yourself under any circumstances - not even if you tried for a thousand years!
I love your new toys! You handle this encaustic stuff' beautifully, this is a perfect and exciting new medium for you - from both a visual and tactile point of view - you're a natural!!!
Oh, my, Marcia! Thank you very much. You're right. I'm as transparent as melted wax...Wish I could be otherwise some days.
I bought more encaustic goodies! Also wish you could be here to try them out. There is a bit of a sculptural feeling as one works with the materials. Eye/hand coordination is key.
We artists are naturals at being curious, aren't we?!
Virtual hugs to you!
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